3D Hydrodynamic Simulations of Carbon Burning in Massive Stars [SSA]


We present the first detailed three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic implicit large eddy simulations of turbulent convection of carbon burning in massive stars. The simulations start with initial radial profiles mapped from a carbon burning shell within a 15$\,\textrm{M}_\odot$ 1D stellar evolution model. We consider 4 resolutions from $128^3$ to $1024^3$ zones. The turbulent flow properties of these carbon burning simulations are very similar to the oxygen burning case. We performed a mean field analysis of the kinetic energy budgets within the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes framework. For the upper convective boundary region, we find that the inferred numerical dissipation is insensitive to resolution for linear mesh resolutions between 512 and 1,024 grid points. For the stiffer and more stratified lower boundary, our highest resolution model still shows signs of decreasing dissipation suggesting that it is not yet fully resolved numerically. We estimate the widths of the upper and lower boundaries to be roughly 30% and 10% of the local pressure scale heights, respectively. The shape of the boundaries is significantly different from those used in stellar evolution models, which assume strict Ledoux or Schwarzschild boundaries. Entrainment rates derived for the carbon shell are consistent with those derived for the oxygen shells and with the entrainment law commonly used in the meteorological and atmosphere science communities. The entrainment rate is roughly inversely proportional to the bulk Richardson number, Ri$_{\rm B}$. We thus suggest the use of Ri$_{\rm B}$ as a means to apply the results of 3D hydrodynamics simulations to 1D stellar evolution modelling.

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A. Cristini, C. Meakin, R. Hirschi, et. al.
Tue, 18 Oct 16

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS – 17/10/16