Enhanced methods for computing spectra from CO5BOLD models using Linfor3D. Molecular bands in metal-poor stars [SSA]


Molecular features such as the G-band, CN-band and NH-band are important diagnostics for measuring a star’s carbon and nitrogen abundances, especially in metal-poor stars where atomic lines are no longer visible in stellar spectra. Unlike atomic transitions, molecular features tend to form in bands, which cover large wavelength regions in a spectrum. While it is a trivial matter to compute carbon and nitrogen molecular bands under the assumption of 1D, it is extremely time consuming in 3D. In this contribution to the 2016 CO5BOLD workshop we review the improvements made to the 3D spectral synthesis code Linfor3D, and discuss the new challenges found when computing molecular features in 3D.

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A. Gallagher, M. Steffen, E. Caffau, et. al.
Mon, 17 Oct 16

Comments: To be published as a proceeding of the 2016 CO5BOLD workshop in Memorie della SAIt Supplementi. 8 pages. 6 figures