A Catalog of Calibrator Stars for Next-Generation Optical Interferometers [SSA]


Benchmark stars with known angular diameters are key to calibrating interferometric observations. With the advent of optical interferometry, there is a need for suitably bright, well-vetted calibrator stars over a large portion of the sky. We present a catalog of uniformly computed angular diameters for 1523 stars in the northern hemisphere brighter than V = 6 and with declinations $-15^\circ < \delta < 82^\circ$. The median angular stellar diameter is 0.527 mas. The list has been carefully cleansed of all known binary and multiple stellar systems. We derive the angular diameters for each of the stars by fitting spectral templates to the observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from literature fluxes. We compare these derived angular diameters against those measured by optical interferometry for 75 of the stars, as well as to 176 diameter estimates from previous calibrator catalogs, finding in general excellent agreement. The final catalog includes our goodness-of-fit metrics as well as an online atlas of our SED fits. The catalog presented here permits selection of the best calibrator stars for current and future visible-light interferometric observations.

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S. Swihart, E. Garcia, K. Stassun, et. al.
Mon, 17 Oct 16

Comments: Accepted for Publication in AJ. 21 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables