An Archive of Spectra from the Mayall Fourier Transform Spectrometer at Kitt Peak [IMA]

We describe the SpArc science gateway for spectral data obtained during the period from 1975 through 1995 at the Kitt Peak National Observatory using the Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) in operation at the Mayall 4-m telescope. SpArc is hosted by Indiana University Bloomington and is available for public access. The archive includes nearly 10,000 individual spectra of more than 800 different astronomical sources including stars, nebulae, galaxies, and Solar System objects. We briefly describe the FTS instrument itself, and summarize the conversion of the original interferograms into spectral data and the process for recovering the data into FITS files. The architecture of the archive is discussed, and the process for retrieving data from the archive is introduced. Sample use cases showing typical FTS spectra are presented.

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C. Pilachowski, K. Hinkle, M. Young, et. al.
Tue, 11 Oct 16

Comments: Accepted for publication in the PASP