Neutron star crustal cooling in KS 1731-260 14.5 years into quiescence [HEAP]

Crustal cooling of accretion-heated neutron stars provides insight into the stellar interior of neutron stars. The neutron star X-ray transient, KS 1731-260, was in outburst for 12.5 years before returning to quiescence in 2001. We have monitored the cooling of this source since then through Chandra and XMM-Newton observations. Here, we present a 150 ks Chandra observation of KS 1731-260 taken in August 2015, about 14.5 years into quiescence, and 6 years after the previous observation. We find that the neutron star surface temperature is consistent with the previous observation, suggesting that crustal cooling has likely stopped and the crust has reached thermal equilibrium with the core. Using a theoretical crust thermal evolution code, we fit the observed cooling curves and constrain the core temperature (T$_c = 9.35\pm0.25\times10^7$ K), composition (Q$_{imp} = 4.4^{+2.2}_{-0.5}$) and level of extra shallow heating required (Q$_{sh} = 1.36\pm0.18$ MeV/nucleon). We find that the presence of a low thermal conductivity layer, as expected from nuclear pasta, is not required to fit the cooling curve well, but cannot be excluded either.

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R. Merritt, E. Cackett, E. Brown, et. al.
Mon, 15 Aug 16

Comments: 7 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ