Modelling multimodal photometric redshift regression with noisy observations [IMA]

In this work, we are trying to extent the existing photometric redshift regression models from modeling pure photometric data back to the spectra themselves. To that end, we developed a PCA that is capable of describing the input uncertainty (including missing values) in a dimensionality reduction framework. With this “spectrum generator” at hand, we are capable of treating the redshift regression problem in a fully Bayesian framework, returning a posterior distribution over the redshift. This approach allows therefore to approach the multimodal regression problem in an adequate fashion. In addition, input uncertainty on the magnitudes can be included quite naturally and lastly, the proposed algorithm allows in principle to make predictions outside the training values which makes it a fascinating opportunity for the detection of high-redshifted quasars.

Read this paper on arXiv…

S. Kugler and N. Gianniotis
Thu, 21 Jul 16

Comments: 7 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1606.06094