Nucleosynthesis in AGB stars traced by isotopic ratios. I – Determining the stellar initial mass by means of the $^{17}$O/$^{18}$O ratio [SSA]

The aim of this paper is to investigate the $^{17}$O/$^{18}$O ratio for a sample of AGB stars, containing M-, S- and C-type stars. These ratios are evaluated in relation to fundamental stellar evolution parameters: the stellar initial mass and pulsation period. This study is the first to explore these oxygen ratios for a sample covering the three spectral types. Circumstellar $^{13}$C$^{16}$O, $^{12}$C$^{17}$O and $^{12}$C$^{18}$O line observations were obtained for a sample of nine stars with various single-dish long-wavelength facilities. These data have been fully reduced and analyzed. The line intensity ratios obtained from these observations are then related directly to the surface $^{17}$O/$^{18}$O abundance ratio. Stellar evolution models predict the $^{17}$O/$^{18}$O ratio to be a sensitive function of initial mass and to remain constant throughout the entire TP-AGB phase for stars less massive than 5 M$_{\odot}$. This allows the measured ratio to function as an effective method of determining the initial stellar mass. Observed $^{17}$O/$^{18}$O ratios are found to be well in the range predicted by stellar evolution models. From this, accurate initial mass estimates are calculated for all nine sources. Finally, hints at a possible separation between M/S- and C-type stars when comparing the $^{17}$O/$^{18}$O ratio to the stellar pulsation period are presented.

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R. Nutte, L. Decin, H. Olofsson, et. al.
Mon, 27 Jun 16

Comments: Submitted to A&A