Remarkable analytic relations among greybody parameters [SSA]

In this paper we derive and discuss several implications of the analytic form of a modified blackbody, also called greybody, which is widely used in Astrophysics, and in particular in the study of star formation in the far-infrared/sub-millimeter domain. The research in this area has been greatly improved thanks to recent observations taken with the Herschel satellite, so that it became important to clarify the sense of the greybody approximation, to suggest possible further uses, and to delimi its intervals of validity. First, we discuss the position of the greybody peak, making difference between the optically thin and thick regimes. Second, we analyze the behavior of bolometric quantities as a function of the different greybody parameters. The ratio between the bolometric luminosity and the mass of a source, the ratio between the so-called “sub-millimeter luminosity” and the bolometric one, and the bolometric temperature are observables used to characterize the evolutionary stage of a source, and it is of primary importance to have analytic equations describing the dependence of such quantities on the greybody parameters. Here we discuss all these aspects, providing analytic relations, illustrating particular cases and providing graphical examples. Some equations reported here are well-known in Astrophysics, but are often spread over different publications. Some of them, instead, are brand new and represent a novelty in Astrophysics literature. Finally we indicate an alternative way to obtain, under some conditions, the greybody temperature and dust emissivity directly from an observing spectral energy distribution, avoiding a best-fit procedure.

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D. Elia and S. Pezzuto
Thu, 9 Jun 16

Comments: accepted by MNRAS