A Dipole on the Sky: Predictions for Hypervelocity Stars from the Large Magellanic Cloud [GA]


We predict the distribution of hypervelocity stars (HVSs) ejected from the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), under the assumption that the dwarf galaxy hosts a central massive black hole (MBH). For the majority of stars ejected from the LMC the orbital velocity of the LMC has contributed a significant fraction of their galactic rest frame velocity, leading to a dipole density distribution on the sky. We quantify the dipole using spherical harmonic analysis and contrast with the monopole expected for HVSs ejected from the Galactic Center. There is a tendril in the density distribution that leads the LMC which is coincident with the well-known and unexplained clustering of HVSs in the constellations of Leo and Sextans. Our model is falsifiable, since it predicts that Gaia will reveal a large density of HVSs in the southern hemisphere.

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D. Boubert and N. Evans
Thu, 9 Jun 16

Comments: 6 pages, ApJ (Letters), in press