Simulating radially outward winds within a turbulent gas clump [SSA]

By using the particle-based code Gadget2, we follow the evolution of a gas clump, in which a gravitational collapse is initially induced. The particles representing the gas clump have initially a velocity according to a turbulent spectrum built in a Fourier space of 64$^3$ grid elements. In a very early stage of evolution of the clump, a set of gas particles representing the wind, suddenly move outwards from the clump’s center. We consider only two kinds of winds, namely: one with spherical symmetry and a second one being a bipolar collimated jet. In order to assess the dynamical change in the clump due to interaction with the winds, we show iso-velocity and iso-density plots for all our simulations.

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G. Arreaga-Garcia and S. Topa
Thu, 31 Mar 16

Comments: To appear in book entitled “Recent Advances in High Performance Computer applications”, I. Gitler and J. Klapp (Eds.), 2016, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer