Cannibals in the thick disk: the young $α-$rich stars as evolved blue stragglers [SSA]

Spectro-seismic measurements of red giant stars enabled the recent discovery of giant stars in the thick disk that are more massive than 1.4 M_sun (Martig et al 2015, Chiappini et al 2015). While it has been claimed that most of these stars are younger than the rest of the typical thick disk stars, we show evidence that they might be products of mass transfer in binary evolution, notably evolved blue stragglers. We took new measurements of the radial velocities in a sample of 26 stars from APOKASC, including 13 of the “young” stars of Martig et al (2015) and 13 “old” stars with similar stellar parameters but with masses below 1 M_sun and found that some stars are in binary systems, contrary to what has been claimed before. Furthermore, with a population synthesis of only low-mass stars but including binary evolution and mass transfer, we can reproduce the masses and the [C/N] ratios of the 26 stars. Our study shows how asteroseismology of solar-type red giants provides us with a unique opportunity to study the evolution of field blue stragglers after they have left the main-sequence.

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P. Jofre, T. Masseron, R. Izzard, et. al.
Thu, 31 Mar 16

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS, including edits of the first referee report