The prototypical Mira variable, $o$ Cet (Mira), has been observed as a Science Verification target in the 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign with a longest baseline of 15 km. ALMA clearly resolves the images of the continuum and molecular line emission/absorption at an angular resolution of ~30 mas at 220 GHz. We image the data of the $^{28}$SiO v=0, 2 $J$=5-4 and H$_2$O $\nu_2$=1 $J(K_a,K_c)$=5(5,0)-6(4,3) transitions and extract spectra from various lines-of-sight towards Mira’s extended atmosphere. In the course of imaging, we encountered ambiguities in the resulting images and spectra that appear to be related to the performance of the CLEAN algorithm. We resolve Mira’s millimetre continuum emission and our data are consistent with a radio photosphere with a brightness temperature of 2611$\pm$51 K, in agreement with recent results obtained with the VLA. We do not confirm the existence of a compact region (<5 mas) of enhanced brightness. We derive the gas density, kinetic temperature, molecular abundance and outflow/infall velocities in Mira’s extended atmosphere by modelling the SiO and H$_2$O lines. We find that SiO-bearing gas starts to deplete beyond 4$R_\star$ and at a kinetic temperature of $\lesssim$600 K. The inner dust shells are probably composed of grain types other than pure silicates. During this observation, Mira’s atmosphere generally exhibited infall motion, with a shock front of velocity $\lesssim$12 km/s outside the radio photosphere. The structures predicted by the hydrodynamical model CODEX can reproduce the observed spectra in astonishing detail; while some other models fail when confronted with the new data. Combined with radiative transfer modelling, ALMA successfully demonstrates the ability to reveal the physical conditions of the extended atmospheres and inner winds of AGB stars in unprecedented detail. (Abbreviated abstract)
K. Wong, T. Kaminski, K. Menten, et. al.
Fri, 11 Mar 16
Comments: 55 pages, 42 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics
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