Oxygen abundance determination of B-type stars with the OI 7771-5A lines [SSA]


Oxygen abundances of 34 B-type stars in the effective temperature range of Teff~10000-28000K with diversified rotational velocities (vesini~ 0-250km/s) were determined from the OI triplet lines at 7771-5A, with an aim to examine whether this OI feature can be a reliable abundance indicator for such high-temperature stars including rapid rotators. It revealed that the required non-LTE abundance correction is distinctly large (ranging from ~-0.6dex to ~-1.7dex) and its consideration is indispensable. On the condition that the non-LTE effect is taken into account, this triplet is a useful O abundance indicator (with a precision of <~0.2dex) up to Teff <~25000K, since its total equivalent width is sufficiently large (>~200mA). In contrast, it is not adequate for abundance derivation for stars at Teff >~25000K, where its strength rapidly drops down toward a hardly detectable level (except for sharp-lined stars) and its sensitivity to Teff or log g becomes considerably large. The resulting non-LTE oxygen abundances turned out to be almost normal (i.e., near-solar around ~8.7-8.8 within +/-~0.2dex) for most stars without any dependence upon projected rotational velocity as well as luminosity (or mass), which is consistent with the prediction of recent stellar evolution calculations.

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Y. Takeda and S. Honda
Thu, 18 Feb 16

Comments: 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, and online material; accepted for publication in Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan