The publications of the last three years concerning to studying of the most intriguing fine structure in type IV solar radio bursts – zebra pattern (ZP), are surveyed. The main attention is paid to new observations, irrespective of whether a paper does include detailed interpretation of an event or simply reports about the beginning of operation of a new tool. The radiation mechanism of the ZP on a double plasma resonance (DPR) remains the most widespread and standard, though ten alternative mechanisms were offered. However, in a number of works difficulties with the explanation of a complex zebra are noted, especially in a combination with fiber bursts and spikes. Therefore, several papers in which the radiation mechanism of a zebra on the DPR is improved, are considered in more detail. Without positional observations we have a great opportunity to follow the dynamics of flare processes using SDO / AIA images in several EUV lines. In the discussion, the debatable questions with the comparison of mechanism on DPR with the model of interaction of plasma waves with whistlers are illuminated.
G. Chernov
Tue, 22 Dec 15
Comments: 32 pages, 29 figures, submitted to Solar Physics, Special Issiu: Coronal Waves Guest Editors: Valery Nakariakov. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1409.0660; text overlap with arXiv:1202.1578, arXiv:1508.02604, arXiv:1311.5305, arXiv:1210.2604 by other authors
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