Masses and luminosities for 342 stars from the PennState-Toruń Centre for Astronomy Planet Search [SSA]

We present revised basic stellar astrophysical parameters: masses, luminosities, ages and radii for 342 stars from PennState-Toru\’n Centre for Astronomy Planet Search. Atmospheric parameters for 327 stars are available from Zieli\’nski (2012), for the remaining 15 objects we present also spectroscopic atmospheric parameters: effective temperatures, surface gravities and iron abundances. Spectroscopic atmospheric parameters were obtained with a standard spectroscopic analysis procedure, using ARES (Sousa, 2007) and MOOG (Sneden, 1973) or TGVIT (Takeda, 2005) codes. To refine stellar masses, ages and luminosities we applied a Bayesian method based on Jorgensen (2005) formalism, modified by da Silva (2006). The revised stellar masses for 342 stars and their uncertainties are generally lower than those presented in Zieli\’nski (2012). Atmospheric parameters for 13 objects are determined here for the first time.

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M. Adamczyk, B. Deka-Szymankiewicz and A. Niedzielski
Tue, 27 Oct 15

Comments: 11 pages, 5 figures. Acceped by A&A