Filament Fragmentation in High-Mass Star Formation [GA]

Aims: We resolve the length-scales for filament formation and fragmentation (res. <=0.1pc), in particular the Jeans length and cylinder fragmentation scale.
Methods: We observed the prototypical high-mass star-forming filament IRDC18223 with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer (PdBI) in the 3.2mm continuum and N2H+(1-0) line emission in a ten field mosaic at a spatial resolution of ~4” (~14000AU).
Results: The dust continuum emission resolves the filament into a chain of at least 12 relatively regularly spaced cores. The mean separation between cores is ~0.40(+-0.18)pc. While this is approximately consistent with the fragmentation of an infinite, isothermal, gravitationally bound gas cylinder, a high mass-to-length ratio of M/l~1000M_sun/pc requires additional turbulent and/or magnetic support against radial collapse of the filament. The N2H+(1-0) data reveal a velocity gradient perpendicular to the main filament. Although rotation of the filament cannot be excluded, the data are also consistent with the main filament being comprised of several velocity-coherent sub-filaments. Furthermore, this velocity gradient perpendicular to the filament resembles recent results toward Serpens south that are interpreted as signatures of filament formation within magnetized and turbulent sheet-like structures. Lower-density gas tracers ([CI] and C18O) reveal a similar red/blueshifted velocity structure on scales around 60” east and west of the IRDC18223 filament. This may tentatively be interpreted as a signature of the large-scale cloud and the smaller-scale filament being kinematically coupled. We do not identify a velocity gradient along the axis of the filament. This may either be due to no significant gas flows along the filamentary axis, but it may partly also be caused by a low inclination angle of the filament with respect to the plane of the sky that could minimize such signature.

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H. Beuther, S. Ragan, K. Johnston, et. al.
Tue, 27 Oct 15

Comments: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for A&A, a higher-resolution version can be found at this http URL