Turbulent density fluctuations in the solar wind [SSA]


Treatments of the radio scattering due to density turbulence in the solar wind typically employ asymptotic approximations to the phase structure function. We use a general structure function (GSF) that straddles the asymptotic limits and quantify the relative error introduced by the approximations. We show that the regimes where GSF predictions are accurate than those of its asymptotic approximations is not only of practical relevance, but are where inner scale effects influence the estimate of the scatter-broadening. Thus we propose that GSF should henceforth be used for scatter broadening calculations and estimates of quantities characterizing density turbulence in the solar corona and solar wind. In the next part of this thesis we use measurements of density turbulence in the solar wind from previously publish observations of radio wave scattering and interplanetary scintillations. Density fluctuations are inferred using the GSF for radio scattering data and existing analysis methods for IPS. Assuming that the density fluctuations below proton scales are due to kinetic Alfv`en waves, we constrain the rate at which the extended solar wind is heated due to turbulent dissipation. These results provide the first estimates of the density modulation index and the solar wind heating rate all the way from the Sun to the Earth.

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M. Ingale
Mon, 28 Sep 15

Comments: A PhD thesis