Sensitivity study using machine learning algorithms on simulated r-mode gravitational wave signals from newborn neutron stars [IMA]

This is a follow-up sensitivity study on r-mode gravitational wave signals from newborn neutron stars illustrating the applicability of machine learning algorithms for the detection of long-lived gravitational-wave transients. In this sensitivity study we examine three machine learning algorithms (MLAs): artificial neural networks (ANNs), support vector machines (SVMs) and constrained subspace classifiers (CSCs). The objective of this study is to compare the detection efficiency that MLAs can achieve with the efficiency of conventional detection algorithms discussed in an earlier paper. Comparisons are made using 2 distinct r-mode waveforms. For the training of the MLAs we assumed that some information about the distance to the source is given so that the training was performed over distance ranges not wider than half an order of magnitude. The results of this study suggest that machine learning algorithms are suitable for the detection of long-lived gravitational-wave transients and that when assuming knowledge of the distance to the source, MLAs are at least as efficient as conventional methods.

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A. Mytidis, A. Panagopoulos, O. Panagopoulos, et. al.
Tue, 11 Aug 15

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