Statistics of the CMB polarised anisotropies [CEA]

This PhD thesis (defended in 2014) is focused on the estimation of the CMB polarised anisotropies power spectra on a masked sky and on forecasts of constraints set on the primordial universe physics thanks to these anisotropies. After an introduction on the light polarisation, the standard model of cosmology and the CMB properties, I show the results obtained on the use and efficiency of pseudospectrum methods to correct for the so-called E-to-B leakage. Afterwards, I present the forecasts obtained on the detection of the tensor-to-scalar ratio r and on the detection of chiral gravity, using the pure pseudospectrum method. The study of forecasts of a primordial magnetic field detection using the CMB polarised anisotropies is finally briefly tackled.

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A. Ferte
Mon, 22 Jun 15

Comments: 214 pages, PhD thesis, can be found at : this http URL