Photometric evolution and peculiar dust formation in the gamma-ray Nova Sco 2012 (V1324 Sco) [SSA]

Optical (BVRI) and infrared (JHK) photometry of the gamma-ray nova Nova Sco 2012 (V1324 Sco) is presented and the lightcurve reconstructed and discussed. An interstellar reddening E(B-V)=1.23 is derived. Dust begun to form at an early date in the nova, only one magnitude down and 20 days past maximum optical brightness and caused an extinction of at least 6 magnitudes in V band, that cleared some months later. This unusual early dust formation compromises the application of the magnitude at maximum versus rate of decline (MMRD) relations in estimating the distance to the nova.

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U. Munari, F. Walter, A. Henden, et. al.
Mon, 22 Jun 15

Comments: in IBVS 6139 (2015)