PZ Mon is a new RS CVn synchronous binary giant with low mass ratio [SSA]


Analysis of new radial velocity measurements of the active giant PZ Mon is presented. We estimated the radial velocity of center of mass 25.5$\pm$0.3 km s$^{-1}$, the period on the circular orbit $P=34.14\pm0.02$ days, and parameters of the secondary component including the mass $M_2$=0.14 M$_\odot$ which is a smallest among known components of RS CVn type giants. Combined with photometric data we conclude that PZ Mon is a system with synchronous rotation, and there is a big cool spotted area on PZ Mon surface towards to secondary component that provides optical variability.

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Y. Pakhomov and N. Gorynya
Mon, 18 May 15

Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitting for MNRAS