Highlights of the LINEAR survey [SSA]


Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research asteroid survey (LINEAR) observed approximately 10,000 deg$^2$ of the northern sky in the period roughly from 1998 to 2013. Long baseline of observations combined with good cadence and depth ($14.5 < r_{SDSS}< 17.5$) provides excellent basis for investigation of variable and transient objects in this relatively faint and underexplored part of the sky. Details covering the repurposing of this survey for use in time domain astronomy, creation of a highly reliable catalogue of approximately 7,200 periodically variable stars (RR Lyrae, eclipsing binaries, SX Phe stars and LPVs) as well as search for optical signatures of exotic transient events (such as tidal disruption event candidates), are presented.

Read this paper on arXiv…

L. Palaversa
Mon, 11 May 15

Comments: To be published in the proceedings of the GREAT-ITN conference “The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia: GREAT Science from the Gaia Data Releases”, 1-5 December 2014, University of Barcelona, Spain, EAS Publications Series