Spectropolarimetrically accurate magnetohydrostatic sunspot model for forward modelling in helioseismology [SSA]


We present a technique to construct a spectropolarimetrically accurate magneto-hydrostatic model of a large-scale solar magnetic field concentration, mimicking a sunspot. Using the constructed model we perform a simulation of acoustic wave propagation, conversion and absorption in the solar interior and photosphere with the sunspot embedded into it. With the $6173\mathrm{\AA}$ magnetically sensitive photospheric absorption line of neutral iron, we calculate observable quantities such as continuum intensities, Doppler velocities, as well as full Stokes vector for the simulation at various positions at the solar disk, and analyse the influence of non-locality of radiative transport in the solar photosphere on helioseismic measurements. Bisector shapes were used to perform multi-height observations. The differences in acoustic power at different heights within the line formation region at different positions at the solar disk were simulated and characterised. An increase in acoustic power in the simulated observations of the sunspot umbra away from the solar disk centre was confirmed as the slow magneto-acoustic wave.

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D. Przybylski, S. Shelyag and P. Cally
Fri, 10 Apr 15

Comments: 11 pages, 8 figures