Euclid Asteroseismology and Kuiper Belt Objects [SSA]

Euclid, which is primarily a dark-energy/cosmology mission, may have a microlensing component, consisting of perhaps four dedicated one-month campaigns aimed at the Galactic bulge. We show that such a program would yield excellent auxilliary science, including asteroseimology detections for about 100,000 giant stars, and detection of about 1000 Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), down to 2–2.5 mag below the observed break in the KBO luminosity function at I ~26. For the 400 KBOs below the break, Euclid will measure accurate orbits, with fractional period errors <~ 2.5%.

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A. Gould, D. Huber and D. Stello
Wed, 8 Apr 15

Comments: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to JKAS