Very high energy gamma-ray follow-up observations of novae and dwarf novae with the MAGIC telescopes [HEAP]

In the last few years the Fermi -LAT instrument has detected GeV gamma-ray emission from a few novae. Such GeV emission can be interpreted in terms of an inverse Compton process of electrons accelerated in a shock. It is expected that hadrons can be accelerated in the same conditions, but reaching much higher energies. They can produce a second component in the gamma-ray spectrum at TeV energies. We performed follow-up observations of selected novae and dwarf novae in a search of the second component in the gamma-ray spectrum. This can shed light on the acceleration process of leptons and hadrons in nova explosions. We have performed observations with the MAGIC telescopes of 3 sources, a symbiotic nova YY Her, a dwarf nova ASASSN-13ax and a classical nova V339 Del shortly after their outbursts.

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J. Sitarek, W. Bednarek, R. Lopez-Coto, et. al.
Mon, 23 Feb 15

Comments: 2014 Fermi Symposium proceedings – eConf C14102.1