Linear line spectropolarimetry of Herbig Ae/Be stars [SSA]

Accretion is the prime mode of star formation, but the exact mode has not yet been identified in the Herbig Ae/Be mass range. We provide evidence that the the maximum variation in mass-accretion rate is reached on a rotational timescale, which suggests that rotational modulation is the key to understanding mass accretion. We show how spectropolarimetry is uniquely capable of resolving the innermost (within 0.1 AU) regions between the star and the disk, allowing us to map the 3D geometry of the accreting gas, and test theories of angular momentum evolution. We present Monte Carlo line-emission simulations showing how one would observe changes in the polarisation properties on rotational timescales, as accretion columns come and go into our line of sight.

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J. Vink
Fri, 30 Jan 15

Comments: 10 pages, 12 figures, ESO Herbig Ae/Be star conference