Linear line spectropolarimetry as a new window to measure 2D and 3D wind geometries [SSA]

Various theories have been proposed to predict how mass loss depends on the stellar rotation rate, both in terms of its strength, as well as its latitudinal dependence, crucial for our understanding of angular momentum evolution. Here we discuss the tool of linear spectropolarimetry that can probe the difference between mass loss from the pole versus the equator. Our results involve several groups of O stars and Wolf-Rayet stars, involving Oe stars, Of?p stars, Onfp stars, as well as the best candidate gamma-ray burst progenitors identified to date.

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J. Vink
Fri, 30 Jan 15

Comments: Conference talk, IAUS 307, “New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry”