Young Stellar Object candidates toward the Orion region selected from GALEX [SSA]

We analyze 359 ultraviolet tiles from the All Sky Imaging Survey of the space mission GALEX covering roughly 400 square degrees toward the Orion star-forming region. There is a total of 1,555,174 ultraviolet sources that were cross-matched with others catalogs (2MASS, UCAC4, SDSS, DENIS, CMC15 and WISE) to produce a list of 290,717 reliable sources with a wide range of photometric information. Using different color selection criteria we identify 111 Young Stellar Object candidates showing both ultraviolet and infrared excesses, of which 81 are new identifications. We discuss the spatial distribution, the spectral energy distributions and other physical properties of these stars. Their properties are, in general, compatible with those expected for T Tauri stars. This population of TTS candidates is widely dispersed around the Orion molecular cloud.

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N. Sanchez, A. Gomez de Castro, F. Lopez-Martinez, et. al.
Tue, 4 Nov 14

Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables (available online). Accepted for publication in A&A