A New Solution of Einstein Vacuum Field Equations [CL]


A new solution of Einstein’s vacuum field equations is discovered which appears as a generalization of the well-known Ozsvath-Schucking solution and explains its source of curvature which has otherwise remained hidden. Curiously, the new solution has a vanishing Kretschmann scalar and is singularity-free despite being curved.
The discovery of the new solution is facilitated by a new insight which reveals that it is always possible to define the source of curvature in a vacuum solution in terms of some dimensional parameters. As the parameters vanish, so does the curvature. The new insight also helps to make the vacuum solutions Machian.

Read this paper on arXiv…

R. Vishwakarma
Tue, 16 Sep 14

Comments: Pramana – J. Phys. (in press)