CosmoMC Installation and Running Guidelines [IMA]

CosmoMC is a Fortran 95 Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) engine to explore the cosmological parameter space, plus a Python suite for plotting and presenting results (see this http URL). This document describes the installation of the CosmoMC on a Linux system (Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 64-bit version). It is written for those who want to use it in their scientific research but without much training on Linux and the program. Besides a step-by-step installation guide, we also give a brief introduction of how to run the program on both a desktop and a cluster. We share our way to generate the plots that are commonly used in the references of cosmology. For more information, one can refer to the CosmoCoffee forum (this http URL) or contact the authors of this document. Questions and comments would be much appreciated.

Read this paper on arXiv…

M. Li and P. Wang
Fri, 5 Sep 14

Comments: The aim of this article is to help the undergraduate and postgraduate students to get into the field of cosmology. Thus, it was not submitted to any particular journal and is publicly available. Totally 10 pages, 0 figures