Propagation of light in the universe with structure which amplify and modify the shape of distant galaxies, producing a correlation between nearby and distant density of galaxies, is a phenomena very important in cosmology for determining cosmological parameters as the {\Lambda}CDM. In this paper, we discuss the estimation of the two point correlation function in the gravitational shear produced by the large scale structure. We will compare the result given by gravitational lensing with the use of another alternatives such as a counting galaxy clusters. We also describe some software used in the gravitational lensing study for determining mass distribution models and images formation.
L. Castaneda
Fri, 5 Sep 14
Comments: 15 pages, in Spanish, to appear in the proceedings of the First Astrostatistics School: Bayesian Methods in Cosmology, June 9-13, 2014, Bogot\’a, Colombia
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