HST FUV monitoring of TW Hya [SSA]


Classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) are young (< 10 Myr), cool stars that actively accrete matter from a disk. They show strong, broad and asymmetric, atomic FUV emission lines. Neither the width, nor the line profile is understood. Likely, different mechanisms influence the line profile; the best candidates are accretion, winds and stellar activity. We monitored the C IV 1548/1550 Ang doublet in the nearby, bright CTTS TW Hya with the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origin Spectrograph (HST/COS) to correlate it with i) the cool wind, as seen in COS NUV Mg II line profiles, ii) the photometric period from joint ground-based monitoring, iii) the accretion rate as determined from the UV continuum, and iv) the Ha line profile from independent ground-based observations. The observations span 10 orbits distributed over a few weeks to cover the typical time scales of stellar rotation, accretion and winds. Here we describe a model with intrinsically asymmetric C IV lines.

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H. Gunther, N. Brickhouse, A. Dupree, et. al.
Thu, 14 Aug 14

Comments: Submitted to proceedings of 18th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun