Oscillator models of the solar cycle: Towards the development of inversion methods [SSA]


This article reviews some of the leading results obtained in solar dynamo physics by using temporal oscillator models as a tool to interpret observational data and dynamo model predictions. We discuss how solar observational data such as the sunspot number is used to infer the leading quantities responsible for the solar variability during the last few centuries. Moreover, we discuss the advantages and difficulties of using inversion methods (or backward methods) over forward methods to interpret the solar dynamo data. We argue that this approach could help us to have a better insight about the leading physical processes responsible for solar dynamo, in a similar manner as helioseismology has helped to achieve a better insight on the thermodynamic structure and flow dynamics in the Sun’s interior.

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I. Lopes, D. Passos, M. Nagy, et. al.
Mon, 21 Jul 14

Comments: 28 pages; 16 figures, ISSI Workshop 11-15 November 2013 – The Solar Cycle, this http URL