GEOS RR Lyr survey: FM Del is indeed a cepheid [SSA]

Though FM Del has been considered as a RR Lyr star by Preston et al. in 1959 (following discovery by Huth, 1957), Huth (1960) eventually changed his mind by showing that it is in fact a cepheid of W Vir type of period of 3.95452 days. Various authors since then have considered it as a cepheid indeed, with the exception of Wils et al. (2006) who list this star in their RR Lyr catalog with a period of 0.79688 days. On this basis, FM Del was added to Tarot RR Lyr program. We present here these observations which confirm the cepheid type.

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J. Borgne and A. Klotz
Mon, 21 Jul 14

Comments: Published in the GEOS circulars (Groupe Europeen d’Observations Stellaires, this http URL)