Constraints on the duality relation from ACT cluster data [CEA]

The cosmic distance-duality relation (CDDR), $d_L(z) (1 + z)^{2}/d_{A}(z) = \eta$, where $\eta = 1$ and $d_L(z)$ and $d_A(z)$ are, respectively, the luminosity and the angular diameter distances, holds as long as the number of photons is conserved and gravity is described by a metric theory. Testing such hypotheses is, therefore, an important task for both cosmology and fundamental physics. In this paper we use 91 measurements of the gas mass fraction of galaxy clusters recently reported by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) survey along with type Ia supernovae observations of the Union2.1 compilation to probe a possible deviation from the value $\eta = 1$. Although in agreement with the standard hyphothesis, we find that this combination of data tends to favor negative values of $\eta$ which might be associated with some physical processes increasing the number of photons and modifying the above relation to $d_L < (1+z)^2d_A$.

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R. Goncalves, A. Bernui, R. Holanda, et. al.
Tue, 24 Jun 14

Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables