Octupolar out-of-plane magnetic field structure generation during collisionless magnetic reconnection in a stressed X-point collapse [SSA]


The out-of-plane magnetic field, generated by fast magnetic reconnection, during collisionless, stressed $X$-point collapse, was studied with a kinetic, 2.5D, fully electromagnetic, relativistic particle-in-cell numerical code, using both closed (flux conserving) and open boundary conditions on a square grid. It was discovered that the well known quadrupolar structure in the out-of-plane magnetic field gains four additional regions of opposite magnetic polarity, emerging near the corners of the simulation box, moving towards the $X$-point. The emerging, outer, magnetic field structure has opposite polarity to the inner quadrupolar structure, leading to an overall octupolar structure. Using Ampere’s law and integrating electron and ion currents, defined at grid cells, over the simulation domain, contributions to the out-of-plane magnetic field from electron and ion currents were determined. The emerging regions of opposite magnetic polarity were shown to be the result of ion currents. Magnetic octupolar structure is found to be a signature of $X$-point collapse, rather than tearing mode, and factors relating to potential discoveries in experimental scenarios or space-craft observations are discussed.

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J. Pahlen and D. Tsiklauri
Tue, 17 Jun 14

Comments: Accepted for publication in Physics of Plasmas