Probing embedded star clusters in the HII complex NGC 6357 with VVV [SSA]

NGC 6357 is an active star-forming region located in the Sagittarius arm displaying several star clusters, which makes it a very interesting target to investigate star formation and early cluster evolution. We explore NGC 6357 with the “VISTA Variables in the V\’ia a L\’actea” (VVV) photometry of seven embedded clusters (ECs), and one open cluster (OC) projected in the outskirts of the complex.Photometric and structural properties (age, reddening, distance, core and total radii) of the star clusters are derived. VVV saturated stars are replaced by their 2MASS counterparts. Field-decontaminated VVV photometry is used to analyse Colour-Magnitude Diagrams (CMDs), stellar radial density profiles (RDPs) and determine astrophysical parameters. We report the discovery of four ECs and one intermediate-age cluster in the complex area. We derive a revised distance estimate for NGC 6357 of 1.78$\pm$0.1 kpc based on the cluster CMD morphologies. Among the ECs, one contains the binary star the WR 93, while the remaining ones are dominated by pre-main sequence (PMS) stars, young-stellar objects (YSO) and/or and have a developed main sequence. These features reflect a significant age spread among the clusters. Evidence is found that the relatively populous cluster Pismis 24 hosts two subclusters.

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E. Lima, E. Bica, C. Bonatto, et. al.
Wed, 11 Jun 14

Comments: This article will be published in the A&A. 11 pages, 15 figures and 3 tables