Reconciling the cosmic age problem in the R_h=ct Universe [CEA]

Many dark energy models fail to pass the cosmic age test. In this paper, we investigate the cosmic age problem associated with 20 extremely red and massive galaxies at very high redshift from Castro-Rodr{\’i}guez and Lopez-Corredoira (2012) in the $R_h=ct$ Universe. These old galaxies and the $R_h=ct$ Universe have not been used to study the cosmic age problem in previous literature. By evaluating the age of the $R_h=ct$ Universe with the observational constraints from the Type Ia supernovae, and Hubble parameter, we find that the $R_h=ct$ Universe can accommodate the 20 old galaxies and quasar APM 08279+5255 at redshift $z=3.91$ at more than $3\sigma$ confidence level. So, unlike other cosmological models, the $R_h=ct$ Universe does not suffer the cosmic age problem.

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H. Yu and F. Wang
Thu, 27 Feb 14