The pulsar spin-down luminosity: simulations in general relativity [HEAP]

Adopting our new method for matching general relativistic, ideal magnetohydrodynamics to its force-free limit, we perform the first systematic simulations of force-free pulsar magnetospheres in general relativity. We endow the neutron star with a general relativistic dipole magnetic field, model the interior with ideal magnetohydrodynamics, and adopt force-free electrodynamics in the exterior. Comparing the spin-down luminosity to its corresponding Minkowski value, we find that general relativistic effects give rise to a modest enhancement: the maximum enhancement for $n=1$ polytropes is $\sim 23\%$. Evolving a rapidly rotating $n=0.5$ polytrope we find an even greater enhancement of $\sim 35\%$. Using our simulation data, we derive fitting formulae for the pulsar spin-down luminosity as a function of the neutron star compaction, angular speed, and dipole magnetic moment. We expect stiffer equations of state and more rapidly spinning neutron stars to lead to even larger enhancements in the spin-down luminosity.

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M. Ruiz, V. Paschalidis and S. Shapiro
Tue, 25 Feb 14