Modelling galaxy spectra at redshifts 0.2<z<2.3 by the [OII]/Hb and [OIII]/Hb line ratios [GA]

We present the detailed modelling of line spectra emitted from galaxies at redshifts 0.2<z<2.3. The spectra account only for a few oxygen to Hb line ratios. The results show that [OII]3727+3729/Hb and [OIII]5007+4959/Hb are not sufficient to constrain the models. The data at least of an auroral line, e.g. [OIII]4363, should be known. We have found by modelling the spectra observed from ultrastrong emission line galaxy and faint galaxy samples, O/H relative abundances ranging between 1.8 X 10^{-4} and 6.6 X 10^{-4}.

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M. Contini
Thu, 13 Feb 14