Observations of post-flare supra-arcades: instabilities at the head of reconnection jets [SSA]


Supra-arcades are bright fans of emission that develop after eruptive flares, above post-flare arcades. The underlying flare arcades are thought to be a consequence of magnetic reconnection along a current sheet in the corona. At the same time, theory predicts plasma jets from the reconnection site which, because of their low density, are extremely difficult to observe directly. It has been suggested, however, that the dark supra-arcade downflows (SADs) seen falling through supra-arcade fans may be low-density jet plasma. The head of a low density jet directed towards higher density plasma would be Rayleigh-Taylor unstable, and lead to the development of rapidly growing low and high density fingers along the interface. Here we show details of SADs forming at the top of bright supra-arcade fans, as seen in Solar Dynamics Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly 131A images. The SADs often formed near the top of fan spikes. Some of the SADs were seen to split at their heads. Most SADs did not show enhanced emission at their heads. A few connected to retracting loops near the top of the flare arcades. Comparison with 3-D magnetohydrodynamic simulations suggests that supra-arcade downflows are the result of secondary instabilities of the Rayleigh-Taylor type at the head of reconnection jets.

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Fri, 17 Jan 14