Ipopv2: Photoionization of Ni XIV — a test case [SSA]


Several years ago, M. Asplund and coauthors (2004) proposed a revision of the Solar composition. The use of this new prescription for Solar abundances in standard stellar models generated a strong disagreement between the predictions and the observations of Solar observables. Many claimed that the Standard Solar Model (SSM) was faulty, and more specifically the opacities used in such models. As a result, activities around the stellar opacities were boosted. New experiments (J. Bailey at Sandia on Z-Pinch, The OPAC consortium at LULI200) to measure directly absorbtion coefficients have been realized or are underway. Several theoretical groups (CEA-OPAS, Los Alamos Nat. Lab., CEA-SCORCG, The Opacity Project – The Iron Project (IPOPv2)) have started new sets of calculations using different approaches and codes. While the new results seem to confirm the good quality of the opacities used in SSM, it remains important to improve and complement the data currently available. We present recent results in the case of the photoionization cross sections for Ni XIV (Ni13+ ) from IPOPv2 and possible implications on stellar modelling.

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Wed, 15 Jan 14