Depolarization of multiple scattered light in atmospheres due to anisotropy of small grains and molecules [SSA]

Freely oriented small anisotropic grains and molecules depolarize radiation both in single scattering and in the process of multiple scattering. Especially large depolarization occurs for resonant scattering corresponding to the electron transitions between the energy levels with very different quantum numbers. The existence of light absorption also changes essentially the angular distribution and polarization of radiation, outgoing from an atmosphere. In present paper we consider these effects in detail both for continuum radiation and for resonant lines. Because the term describing the depolarization deals with isotropic radiation, we consider the axially symmetric part of radiation. We derived the formulas for observed intensity and polarization using the invariance-principles both for continuum and resonant scattering. We confine ourselves to two problems – the diffuse reflection of the light beam from semi-infinite atmosphere, and the Milne problem.

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Tue, 12 Nov 13