The curious morphology and orientation of Orion proplyd HST-10 [GA]

HST-10 is one of the largest proplyds in the Orion Nebula and is located approximately 1′ SE of the Trapezium. Unlike other proplyds in Orion, however, the long-axis of HST-10 does not align with theta 1 C Ori, but is instead aligned with the rotational axis of the HST-10 disk. This cannot be easily explained using current photo-evaporation models. In this letter, we present high spatial resolution near-infrared images of the Orion proplyd HST-10 using Keck/NIRC2 with the Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics system, along with multi-epoch analysis of HH objects near HST-10 using Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 and ACS cameras. Our narrow-band near-IR images resolve the proplyd ionization front (IF) and circumstellar disk down to 23 AU at the distance to Orion in Br gamma, He I, H_2, and PAH emission. Br gamma and He I emission primarily trace the IF (with the disk showing prominently in silhouette), while the H_2 and PAH emission trace the surface of the disk itself. PAH emission also traces small dust grains within the proplyd envelope which is asymmetric and does not coincide with the IF. The curious morphology of the PAH emission may be due to UV-heating by both theta 1C Ori and theta 2A Ori. Multi-epoch HST images of the HST-10 field show proper motion of 3 knots associated with HH 517, clearly indicating that HST-10 has a jet. We postulate that the orientation of HST-10 is determined by the combined ram-pressure of this jet and the FUV-powered photo-ablation flow from the disk surface.

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Wed, 6 Nov 13