Pulsar Timing Array Experiments [IMA]


Pulsar timing is a technique that uses the highly stable spin periods of neutron stars to investigate a wide range of topics in physics and astrophysics. Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) use sets of extremely well-timed pulsars as a Galaxy-scale detector with arms extending between Earth and each pulsar in the array. These challenging experiments look for correlated deviations in the pulsars’ timing that are caused by low-frequency gravitational waves (GWs) traversing our Galaxy. PTAs are particularly sensitive to GWs at nanohertz frequencies, which makes them complementary to other space- and ground-based detectors. In this chapter, we will describe the methodology behind pulsar timing; provide an overview of the potential uses of PTAs; and summarise where current PTA-based detection efforts stand. Most predictions expect PTAs to successfully detect a cosmological background of GWs emitted by supermassive black-hole binaries and also potentially detect continuous-wave emission from binary supermassive black holes, within the next several years.

Read this paper on arXiv…

J. Verbiest, S. Oslowski and S. Burke-Spolaor
Tue, 26 Jan 21

Comments: 49 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the “Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy” Eds. Bambi, Kokkotas, Katsanevas (Springer, 2021)