Reconstructing inflation in scalar-torsion $f(T,φ)$ gravity [CL]

It is investigated the reconstruction during the slow-roll inflation in the most general class of scalar-torsion theories whose Lagrangian density is an arbitrary function $f(T,\phi)$ of the torsion scalar $T$ of teleparallel gravity and the inflaton $\phi$. For the class of theories with Lagrangian density $f(T,\phi)=-M_{pl}^{2} T/2 – G(T) F(\phi) – V(\phi)$, with $G(T)\sim T^{s+1}$ and the power $s$ a constant, we consider a reconstruction scheme for determining both the non-minimal coupling function $F(\phi)$ and the scalar potential $V(\phi)$ through the parametrization (or attractor) of the scalar spectral index $n_{s}(N)$ and the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r(N)$ as functions of the number of $e-$folds $N$. As specific examples, we analyze the attractors $n_{s}-1 \propto 1/N$ and $r\propto 1/N$, as well as the case $r\propto 1/N (N+\gamma)$ with $\gamma$ a dimensionless constant.

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M. Gonzalez-Espinoza, R. Herrera, G. Otalora, et. al.
Mon, 14 Jun 21

Comments: 13 pages, 1 figure