Relaxation of the chiral chemical potential in the dense matter of a neutron star [HEAP]

A model of the generation of a magnetic field in a neutron star is developed, based on an instability of the magnetic field caused by the electroweak interaction between electrons and nucleons in nuclear matter. The rate of change of the helicity of the electrons as they scatter on protons in the dense matter of a neutron star is calculated with the help of methods of quantum field theory. The influence of the electroweak interaction between electrons and background nucleons on the process of change of the helicity is examined. A kinetic equation is derived for the evolution of the chiral chemical potential. The results obtained are used to describe the evolution of the magnetic field in magnetars.

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M. Dvornikov
Tue, 21 Feb 17

Comments: 10 pages in pdf, 4 pdf figures, to be published in Russ. Phys. J