We present results from new 1D (spherical) and 2D (axisymmetric) long-term \fornax simulations of electron-capture (EC) and low-mass iron-core-collapse supernovae. We consider six progenitor models: the $8.8\, M_\odot$ (zero-age main sequence [ZAMS]) prototype ECSN progenitor from Nomoto (1984, 1987); two ECSN-like iron core progenitors, with ZAMS masses of $8.1\ M_\odot$, and $9.6\ M_\odot$ (M\”uller et al. 2012a, 2013), with $10^{-4}\ Z_\odot$ and zero metallicity, respectively; and the 9-, 10-, and $11$-$M_\odot$ (ZAMS) progenitors from Sukhbold et al. (2016). We confirm that the ECSN and ESCN-like progenitors explode easily even in 1D with explosion energies of up to a quarter of a Bethe ($1\ {\rm B} \equiv 10^{51}\ {\rm erg}$). We also find that ECSNe are a viable mechanism for the production of very low-mass neutron stars. However, the 9-, 10-, and $11$-$M_\odot$ progenitors do not explode in 1D and are not even necessarily easier to explode than higher-mass progenitor stars in 2D. We discuss the consequences of our findings for currently proposed “explodability” criteria. Furthermore, we study the effect of perturbations and of changes to the microphysics. We find that relatively small changes can result in qualitatively different outcomes, even in 1D, for models sufficiently close to the explosion threshold. Finally, we revisit the impact of convection below the protoneutron star (PNS) surface. Leveraging the 1D explosions, we analyzed, for the first time, 1D and 2D evolutions of PNSs with the same boundary conditions. We find that the impact of PNS convection has been underestimated in previous studies and results in an increase by a factor ${\sim}2$ of the neutrino luminosity for all species starting from roughly half a second after bounce.
D. Radice, A. Burrows, D. Vartanyan, et. al.
Wed, 15 Feb 17
Comments: 17 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to ApJ
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