Abundances in photoionized nebulae of the Local Group and nucleosynthesis of intermediate mass stars [GA]


Photoionized nebulae, comprising HII regions and planetary nebulae, are excellent laboratories to investigate the nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution of several elements in the Galaxy and other galaxies of the Local Group. Our purpose in this investigation is threefold: (i) compare the abundances of HII regions and planetary nebulae in each system in order to investigate the differences derived from the age and origin of these objects, (ii) compare the chemical evolution in different systems, such as the Milky Way, the Magellanic Clouds, and other galaxies of the Local Group, and (iii) investigate to what extent the nucleosynthesis contributions from the progenitor stars affect the observed abundances in planetary nebulae, which constrains the nucleosynthesis of intermediate mass stars. We show that all objects in the samples present similar trends concerning distance-independent correlations, and some constraints can be defined on the production of He and N by the PN progenitor stars.

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W. Maciel, R. Costa and O. Cavichia
Tue, 14 Feb 17

Comments: 32 pages, 13 figures, Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof. in press, also available at this http URL