By assuming the kinetic coupling $f^{2}(\phi)FF$ of the effective inflaton field $\phi$ with the electromagnetic field, we explore magnetogenesis during the inflation and preheating stages in the Starobinsky model. We consider the case of the exponential coupling function $f(\phi)=\exp(\alpha\phi/M_{p})$ and show that for $\alpha \sim 12-15$ it is possible to generate the large scale magnetic fields with strength $\gtrsim 10^{-15}$ Gauss at the present epoch. The spectrum of generated magnetic fields is blue with the spectral index $n=1+s$, $s>0$. We have found that for the relevant values of the coupling parameter, $\alpha=12-15$, model avoids the back-reaction problem for all relevant modes.
S. Vilchinskii, O. Sobol, E. Gorbar, et. al.
Fri, 10 Feb 17
Comments: 10 pages, 5 figures
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